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Phillicent T. Fillmore
Fillie to her friends... Fillie Fillmore

Fillie Fillmore picture page

new pictures added December 16

Fillie at home, summer 2004

Fillie takes her ease in Duboce Park, March 28, 2004

more Fillie Fillmore pictures
more dogs!

Fillie's the new dog in the 'hood. Ain't she a sweetie?

'Fillie the Blues Dog'

We swear by this great place, right here in San Francisco.
to the dogs
they got cats too

Fillie's a mutt we mean mix, flat-coated retriever mostly with a dash of Belgian shepherd and border collie (very hip).

flat-coat photos

Fillie Fillmore picture page

The Phillicent T. Fillmore
School of Dogsled Management


nothing but the best for our dog

Fillie Fillmore picture page




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